I love web comics. They rock. And so today i shall share the rock-age with you, my darling readers.
First up is Big Stick.
This charming stick figure comic is basically a piss take on Dungeons and Dragons and if you've played that then it'll all make sense. Its true greatness however lies in the wonderfully witty writing and the marvellous characters, of whom Vaarsuvius the Elven mage is clearly the best, if only because the issue of his gender is always left slightly open. Belkar is also bags of fun. Start at the beginning and check out the cast section too.
Next up, the consistently wonder Penny-Arcade
This twisted work of genius is immeasurably funnier if you are very into computer games but the drawing and especially the witty writing will amuse all and sundry. The best thing about it is the shock value. Sometimes you just can't believe they did what they did. The velociraptors raping somone as a metaphor of EA Games is a good example.
Next is Dilbert
No introduction necessary of course. Aside from dogbert, Dilbert is consistently relavant to my life as soooooo much of what is in the comic i directly experience at work. I used to have the ultimate pointy haired boss after all.
PvPonline is next
PVP is another computer game related comic, far tamer than Penny Arcade and not quite as cutting funny but still very good. Brent Sienna is a most amusing character and i want a plushy Skull.
Bizarre frankly, Ethan is comically insane and lucas reminds me of a few guys i know. This one is well written and smartly drawn and rather chucklesome indeed.
Genius, a whole web comic made from photos of lego. The comic itself is reasonably funny but its the sheer joy of lego that keeps me coming back. I miss the lego bricks of my childhood when i read this.
Alien Loves Predator
Naturally its about a myopic predator who shares a flat with an alien in.....where else, New York. Abe the alien is suitably deranged and foul and Preston the long suffering predator is most amusing. Co-starring Jesus, that popular baseball player and messiah and a running feud with Prestons ex, because she is a .......mets fan.
I drew this
I only found this recently, is very political and focused entirely on Stateside politics o if you aren't an American political junki (like me) avoid. If you are, then it quite funny and really does show how daft some of the things american politicians say are.
Other ones i check infrequently are
Megatokyo - which used to be very good but has gone downhill recently.
Scary go Round - which i read all the way through in about a week, strange and quaintly British.
Unshelved - A comic about a library. Oddly enjoyable. I like libraries.
First up is Big Stick.
This charming stick figure comic is basically a piss take on Dungeons and Dragons and if you've played that then it'll all make sense. Its true greatness however lies in the wonderfully witty writing and the marvellous characters, of whom Vaarsuvius the Elven mage is clearly the best, if only because the issue of his gender is always left slightly open. Belkar is also bags of fun. Start at the beginning and check out the cast section too.
Next up, the consistently wonder Penny-Arcade
This twisted work of genius is immeasurably funnier if you are very into computer games but the drawing and especially the witty writing will amuse all and sundry. The best thing about it is the shock value. Sometimes you just can't believe they did what they did. The velociraptors raping somone as a metaphor of EA Games is a good example.
Next is Dilbert
No introduction necessary of course. Aside from dogbert, Dilbert is consistently relavant to my life as soooooo much of what is in the comic i directly experience at work. I used to have the ultimate pointy haired boss after all.
PvPonline is next
PVP is another computer game related comic, far tamer than Penny Arcade and not quite as cutting funny but still very good. Brent Sienna is a most amusing character and i want a plushy Skull.
Bizarre frankly, Ethan is comically insane and lucas reminds me of a few guys i know. This one is well written and smartly drawn and rather chucklesome indeed.
Genius, a whole web comic made from photos of lego. The comic itself is reasonably funny but its the sheer joy of lego that keeps me coming back. I miss the lego bricks of my childhood when i read this.
Alien Loves Predator
Naturally its about a myopic predator who shares a flat with an alien in.....where else, New York. Abe the alien is suitably deranged and foul and Preston the long suffering predator is most amusing. Co-starring Jesus, that popular baseball player and messiah and a running feud with Prestons ex, because she is a .......mets fan
I drew this
I only found this recently, is very political and focused entirely on Stateside politics o if you aren't an American political junki (like me) avoid. If you are, then it quite funny and really does show how daft some of the things american politicians say are.
Other ones i check infrequently are
Megatokyo - which used to be very good but has gone downhill recently.
Scary go Round - which i read all the way through in about a week, strange and quaintly British.
Unshelved - A comic about a library. Oddly enjoyable. I like libraries.