Go to hell John Reid You Fascist Scum!
I am furious. I'm at work so my raging fury is careful masked by a smiling, pleasant exterior but deep down my rage is endless.
Why so angry? I hear you ask.
Here is why http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5257518.stm
I quote
"Britain might have to modify its freedoms in the short term in order to prevent their "misuse and abuse" by terrorists, John Reid has said. " Notice the lack of information on when we might get these freedoms back or how they might be "modified".
"It is up to each and all of us to ask the questions: what price our security? What price our freedoms? At what cost can we preserve our freedoms?"
Lets see, how about, Mr Reid, you go fuck yourself and remember exactly who you work for. You work for us, you fucking fascist! Our freedoms are not for you to take away or "Modify" (Mmmmm Orwellian language). How dare to suggest that we can defend our freedoms by abandoning them? What kind of freakish world have our political leaders entered where losing freedoms protects them? Whats next, ignorance is wisdom, weakness is strength?
We cannot fight Islamo-fascism by instituting our own brand here.
May i humbly offer the solution to world peace. Or rather a series of steps that will vastly increase global peace, our own security and the living conditions of mankind.
1) Bitch slap Israel into forcing the creation of a Palaestinian state and get Israel to retreat to its own borders instead of the illegally held lands it currently uses. Use sanctions, embargoes and political pressure to force this (sadly the UN option is off the table since the US would veto anything that threatens or even mildly rebukes Israel. As it has done for decades now)
2) Decrease military spending and increase education spending by an equal amount. The weapon we will use to destroy fundamentalism is education. That would also help equal out the vast differences in prosperity/poverty in this country which hit the muslim and immigrant areas so hard.
3) Rewrite the rules on lobbying, bribery and political influence of large corporate entities. Make bribery punishable both to those who give, and those who accept the money. Take the money out of lobbying and lower the maximum limit on party/canditate donations and loans. This would limit the influence of corporations and the very rich in our political system.
4) Tell the oil companies to fuck themselves and offer large incentives for power companies to develop renewable energy sources. This would decrease our reliance on foreign oil and gas and save us from feeling the need to interfere in the middle east.
5) Formally rebuke the Americans for Iraq and withdraw our troops to Afghanistan. Plough lots of money into there to actually help the Afghans rather than exploit them. A well set up and run Afghanistan would do more for our reputation with Muslim nations than any dicking around in Iraq ever could.
6) Get closer to Europe. At least until the Americans calm down and elect sensible people again.
Ok, thats probably not world peace but it'd be a hell of a start right? And none of this modifying our freedoms bollocks.
Why so angry? I hear you ask.
Here is why http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5257518.stm
I quote
"Britain might have to modify its freedoms in the short term in order to prevent their "misuse and abuse" by terrorists, John Reid has said. " Notice the lack of information on when we might get these freedoms back or how they might be "modified".
"It is up to each and all of us to ask the questions: what price our security? What price our freedoms? At what cost can we preserve our freedoms?"
Lets see, how about, Mr Reid, you go fuck yourself and remember exactly who you work for. You work for us, you fucking fascist! Our freedoms are not for you to take away or "Modify" (Mmmmm Orwellian language). How dare to suggest that we can defend our freedoms by abandoning them? What kind of freakish world have our political leaders entered where losing freedoms protects them? Whats next, ignorance is wisdom, weakness is strength?
We cannot fight Islamo-fascism by instituting our own brand here.
May i humbly offer the solution to world peace. Or rather a series of steps that will vastly increase global peace, our own security and the living conditions of mankind.
1) Bitch slap Israel into forcing the creation of a Palaestinian state and get Israel to retreat to its own borders instead of the illegally held lands it currently uses. Use sanctions, embargoes and political pressure to force this (sadly the UN option is off the table since the US would veto anything that threatens or even mildly rebukes Israel. As it has done for decades now)
2) Decrease military spending and increase education spending by an equal amount. The weapon we will use to destroy fundamentalism is education. That would also help equal out the vast differences in prosperity/poverty in this country which hit the muslim and immigrant areas so hard.
3) Rewrite the rules on lobbying, bribery and political influence of large corporate entities. Make bribery punishable both to those who give, and those who accept the money. Take the money out of lobbying and lower the maximum limit on party/canditate donations and loans. This would limit the influence of corporations and the very rich in our political system.
4) Tell the oil companies to fuck themselves and offer large incentives for power companies to develop renewable energy sources. This would decrease our reliance on foreign oil and gas and save us from feeling the need to interfere in the middle east.
5) Formally rebuke the Americans for Iraq and withdraw our troops to Afghanistan. Plough lots of money into there to actually help the Afghans rather than exploit them. A well set up and run Afghanistan would do more for our reputation with Muslim nations than any dicking around in Iraq ever could.
6) Get closer to Europe. At least until the Americans calm down and elect sensible people again.
Ok, thats probably not world peace but it'd be a hell of a start right? And none of this modifying our freedoms bollocks.
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