Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

26 year old ninja living in the picturesque village of Manchester, uk. Head geek for a child care company. Tall, dark and working on the handsome (much work still needed).

Friday, November 25, 2005

Lawyers come a-knocking

As astute readers may have noticed a few posts have been deleted. These all concerned my old company that i recently left. Today i got a letter from the CEO asking me to "cease and desist" all nefarious (my words) web activity related to the company or suffer the terrible and no doubt financially cripplying legal ramifications.
Since i bear most of my company no ill will (only key members of staff/ex-staff) i'm not overly bothered about this.
I've even deleted a post not related to the redundancies as it kinda mentioned bad things about the company.
Since i have no particular desire to get into legal difficulties with my old company i'd ask all my regular readers (both of you) to not post the name of the company in any comments you might make.


Blogger Gribble The Munchkin said...

Indeed, I must have hit the big time.

12:02 PM  

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